Maths at Pearl Hyde
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What is the Intent of our Maths
Pearl Hyde is a community primary school where learning is accessible to all pupils. All teachers at Pearl Hyde ensure that children know that learning is collaborative and there is no limit to what they can achieve. Our goal is for the children to become confident, fluent and agile mathematicians who can expertly explain their mathematical processes through careful reasoning.
Underpinning our Maths teaching is the belief that all children need a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the mathematics they are learning. This is what we mean by Mastery. We want our children to develop a solid, conceptual understanding of numbers and the ability to recall and apply Mathematical knowledge rapidly and accurately.
In line with the National Curriculum Objectives for Maths, our intent is that all children:
How do we implement Maths at Pearl
Our Maths curriculum carefully sequences knowledge, concepts and procedures to build Mathematical knowledge and skills systematically over time. At Pearl Hyde, children study Mathematics daily following the White Rose Maths (WRM) Scheme of Learning, supplemented by a range of high-quality resources to keep Maths lessons engaging and enjoyable. WRM is a blocked scheme, which allows for depth and breadth of learning within each strand of Mathematics.
The mastery approach ensures that children have a complete understanding of the maths curriculum by enabling children to learn and know their fundamental mathematical facts and how to apply them in multiple ways. This may be through more in-depth and complex problems; cross-curricular learning or by using different models and methods to answer questions in a variety of ways. Children in all year groups will have access to concrete and pictorial resources to help when working with the abstract context.
All lessons are underpinned by the five big ideas in teaching for mastery. Please see our calculation policy for more information on each big idea.
Due to a step-by-step teaching approach, children at Pearl Hyde are able to move through the curriculum at broadly the same pace. As a result of spending more time on fundamentals, they are able to establish firm foundations on which to build their understanding. Through our concrete-pictorial-abstract approach, children learn to see the connections in Maths and understand that Mathematics can be represented in different ways.
The Maths curriculum provides sufficient opportunities for planned revisits of previously learned knowledge, concepts and procedures. This ensures that once learned, Mathematical knowledge becomes deeply embedded in children’s memories; freeing their attention to work with independence and apply their Mathematical knowledge to more complex Mathematics.
We believe that the key to success with all learners is quality first teaching. As a school, we use the White Rose Schemes of Learning and follow their Long-Term planning to ensure that teaching is sequenced into small, coherent steps that cover all national curriculum objectives. Although the mathematic strands are taught in blocks, we ensure that links are made across each area of learning to ensure that children can see and make links throughout the year. We create medium-term plans for each block of learning that include high-quality resources that teachers can use to create their lessons, key vocabulary that should be used throughout the block of learning and concrete resources that can be used to help children access the key concepts of the lesson. Although we follow the White Rose Scheme of Learning, teachers have the flexibility to spend longer than one lesson on a small step if necessary to meet the needs of the children.
Across all year groups, lessons will follow the mastery structure which contains four parts:
• ‘In focus’ – A task that the children have a go at independently/with a partner first that promotes discussion and allows teachers to identify understanding
• Share – A teacher-led discussion, modelling the small steps and addressing misconceptions
• Think Together – ‘I do, we do, you do’ part of the lesson – with key questioning as the focus to identify understanding. Teacher modelling first, partner work, independent activity.’
• Challenge – A task to deepen understanding and to apply mathematics in a range of problems.
All areas of the maths lesson allow for high levels of oracy between children and teachers to discuss mathematical concepts and address misconceptions.
Mathematical Fluency
At Pearl Hyde, we understand the importance of children building a solid foundation of number sense to help them develop a range of core skills in maths. In Key Stage 1, we implement the Fluency Bee programme which has been designed by White Rose Maths to give children confidence with numbers through varied and frequent practice, using a small steps approach. It uses a practical approach involving an emphasis on mathematical talk and key representations throughout the programme to help children build visual images.
Children in Key Stage 1 are all exposed to a 15-minute daily lesson on maths fluency to ensure frequent practice of number skills, which is separate from the main lesson. These lessons help to highlight mathematical connections to the children and build their confidence in working with number and their conceptual understanding.
Maths in Reception
At Pearl Hyde, we understand the importance of early experiences of Maths, and we follow the 2021 Early Years Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage within our Early Years setting. This approach places a significant emphasis on developing a strong grounding in numbers – understanding that this is a necessary building block for children to excel in the subject. Following baseline assessments, Maths in the Autumn and Spring Term is planned and delivered with a focus number of the week/s. In readiness for Year 1, the Maths curriculum in the Summer Term follows the White Rose Small Steps for Learning.
The two key ELGs for mathematics are:
1. Number: Number composition, subitising, recall of bonds to 5 and 10 and doubling
2. Numerical Pattern: Verbally count beyond 20, Compare quantities, explore and
represent patterns
Practitioners provide creative and engaging opportunities for children to ignite their curiosity and enthusiasm for the subject while focusing on the three prime areas of Communication and Language, Physical Development and PSED.
Activities and experiences are frequent and varied, and allow children to build on and apply understanding of Numbers to 10. Concrete manipulatives are a key focus within sessions, as is the use of pictorial representations including Tens Frames and Part/Whole Models.
Children are actively encouraged to use Mathematical terminology within their understanding, with a focus on developing positive attitudes and interest in the subject.
What is the impact of our maths
Through targeted questioning and a wide range of AFL strategies, children are continuously assessed within maths lessons to track the progress of every child. Where possible, teachers use on-the-spot marking to give children immediate feedback on their learning within lessons. Through this approach, children who find the learning difficult are swiftly identified and support is given so that they can access and succeed within the lesson.
Children complete End-of-block assessments for each phase of learning. Results are used to further inform planning and allow for tailored intervention groups to take place to ensure the objectives are secured. Our Assessment Calendar also includes three key dates for capturing progress and attainment against National Curriculum Objectives. Assessments are carried out in Autumn, Spring and Summer terms.
Teachers believe that all children can achieve in Maths and focus on whole class teaching. To ensure that errors and misconceptions are addressed, gaps are filled, and every learner is ready to access the lesson the following day timely interventions ‘scoop groups’ will be carried out; this ensures they enter the lesson with confidence.
Through our Maths curriculum, we believe that when pupils leave Key Stage 2, they will have a secure foundation in the key skills and aims of the Primary Mathematics National Curriculum. Furthermore, they will have a positive attitude towards maths as they move forward with the next stage of their maths learning.
Home Learning expectations
Below are the home learning expectations for all year groups. Home Learning will be sent home every Wednesday and will need to be returned to school by the following Monday. This will enable teachers the time to look at the homework and set new homework. In Reception and Key Stage 1, a CPG-targeted question book will be sent home; on the inside cover, a slip of paper will have been stuck in with the page numbers of the task that needs to be completed. In Key Stage 2, children will be set homework on Century Tech.
From Years 1 to 6, children will also have key fluency facts to learn throughout the year. Please see the Calculation Policy for more information.
Year Group | Homework Expectation |
Reception | One nugget set on Century Tech weekly. Weekly practice on TTRockstars and PinPoint to continue to embed their multiplication and division facts. |
Year 1 | One page from CPG Targeted Questions Year 1 book weekly. Learning Number bonds to 5, 10 and 20 in preparation for weekly number fluency tests using Numbots |
Year 2 | One page from CPG Targeted Questions Year 2 book weekly. Learning Number bonds to 50 and 100 in preparation for weekly number fluency tests using Numbots. This will progress to learning 2, 5 and 10 multiplication and division facts in preparation for weekly number fluency tests using TTRockstars and PinPoint. |
Year 3 | One nugget set on Century Tech weekly. Learning 3,4 and 8 multiplication and division facts in preparation for weekly number fluency tests using TTRockstars and PinPoint. |
Year 4 | One nugget set on Century Tech weekly. Learning 6,7,9,11 and 12 multiplication and division facts in preparation for weekly number fluency tests using TTRockstars and PinPoint. |
Year 5 | One nugget set on Century Tech weekly. Weekly practice on TTRockstars and PinPoint to continue to embed their multiplication and division facts. |
Year 6 | One nugget set on Century Tech weekly. Weekly practise on TTRockstars and PinPoint to continue to embed their multiplication and division facts. |